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Your browser is currently set to block cookies. Your browser must allow cookies before you can use this application.

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer that tell this application when you're signed in. To learn how to allow cookies, see online help in your web browser.

You are using a web browser which this application no longer supports.

We support the current and previous major releases of Google Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari on a rolling basis. Each time a new version is released, we begin supporting that version and stop supporting the third most recent version.

Supported Browsers

Chrome for Business
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Apple Safari
Apple Safari

Internet Explorer 9 Users Internet Explorer 11 launched on October 17, 2013, and as a result, we've discontinued support for Internet Explorer 9.

Organizations that depend on old versions of Internet Explorer may want to consider a dual browser strategy.


New users to MGA will not receive access until you have fully registered and notified your Agency Account Manager. They will confirm access is approved and send in the completed request. Receiving the request, setting up your account, and sending you the confirmation email may take a few weeks.

Using Adobe Reader or another PDF viewer is recommended to view documents downloaded from Minnesota Government Access (MGA). To find more information about MGA including an overview, the application process, training, resources, and support go to

Minnesota Judicial Branch MGA Overview

Access to this service is for authorized personnel only conducting official business. Court Records or Court Documents shall not be accessed for personal or non-official use or any use that is not a legitimate governmental business need. All access points are logged, tracked and maintained and are subject to audits and/or investigations. Reports of misuse shall be promptly investigated, and prompt and appropriate corrective action shall be taken. Violations will result in termination of access and severance of a contract, as applicable. Inappropriate access may also result in other civil and criminal liability.

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